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Game On: Energy Efficiency Bingo

Game On: Energy Efficiency Bingo
Learning about Energy Efficiency can be fun – for grownups and kids! Here’s how to play Energy Efficiency Bingo: 
  1. Give every player a copy of the playing card below (using recycled paper, if possible).
  2. Give each player enough playing pieces to mark each square on the board. Pieces can be coins, buttons, checkers, peanuts – feel free to use your imagination!
  3. Call out each energy-saving practice indicated in the squares on the card. Players who recently performed the action that is called out should put a playing piece on that square.
  4. When a player fills five squares in a row -- either diagonally, horizontally or vertically in a row – he or she should say “Bingo!”
Turned the heat or AC down at least 2 degrees Washed clothes in cold water Turned off the oven before time was up to capture residual heat Used a programmable thermostat Turned off the drying heat in the dishwasher and let dishes air dry
Reduced the brightness of my computer screen Unplugged the charger for an electric shaver Turned off the lights when leaving a room Unplugged the automatic coffeemaker Turned off fans in unoccupied rooms
Air-dried clothes instead of using the clothes dryer Didn't open the oven door to check on what's inside Unplugged a fully-charged device to avoid "vampire load" Installed LED lightbulbs Unplugged the charger for an electric toothbrush
Turned off the shower/bath exhaust fan after running it for only 15 minutes Reheated food quickly in the microwave instead of the oven Removed computer screensavers Installed or bought an ENERGY STAR® certified appliance Used the moisture sensor on the clothes dryer to prevent over drying
Took a water-saving shower instead of a bath Unpluggged fully-charged power tools Opened or closed window treatments to keep rooms warmer or cooler Ran the dishwasher when it was completely full Repaired a leaky faucet
Save energy and money -- check out ETG Energy Efficiency programs available exclusively for ETG customers.





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